God's ways have been violated. The Creator and the Master of the universe and His laws have been twisted.
Therefore a curse is mandatory. Punishment is inevitable. A price has to be paid for sin.
The sin is rebellion which is ruled by pride. And the price that is to be paid is your life. The punishment is eternal damnation.
So small a sin. And so great a punishment?
Who says it is small?
Size of the sin depends on the size of the offender's holiness. Is there a difference between the consequences of assaulting a common man and assaulting the Prime Minister or President of the country?
Size is small when you look at it. But God and His standards are different. He looks at the root cause which is rebellion and pride. The revolt is against the Almighty.
And death is the outcome. Eternal hell. Eternally separated from the presence of God - for which you were initially created. All of us were eternally doomed.
Yet. Oh! How loving is our Father.
Isa:25:8 He will swallow up death forever.
Why? How?
Why because of His love for us. The unending, unmeritted love for us. No matter how sinful we are, He loves us without tags.
How? He received that punishment for Himself. He suffered death. The Son bore it all. The separation. The damnation. So that we could be in the heavenlies.
If you would believe and receive this salvation, you would be redeemed. The offer is free for the taking. But at the cost of the Savior's blood. If only you would believe.
Yes, death has been defeated.
Death's sting has been broken.
Eternality is mine.
Life is mine with the Lord forever.