Live like Noah
1 year (approx) he had to toil hard to build the boat.
7 more days he had to wait for the rains to come.
150 days (5 months) the flood waters covered the earth and he was inside the boat.
After that 2.5 months he had to wait for other mountain peaks to be visible.
Another 40 days - he releases a Raven.
7 days later he sends a dove.
Another 7 days later he sends the dove again, it returns back with an olive leaf.
Another 7 days later he sends the dove again, it doesn't return.
2 more months he had to sit still, for the earth to get dry.
Between Gen 7:11 and Gen 8:15-16, itself, there is a gap of 12.5 months approximately.
And believe it or not, all these excitement started for Noah in his life, only after 600 years of his life.
The base was all set for Noah, all those 600 odd years. The moment God calls out to Noah, he responds. He obeys what God told him.
And in the boat no entertainment. No movies, no series binge watching, no books to read, no online games to play, no FB, no whatsApp, no Instagram, no live news coverage to watch, no music to listen.
Two things - Do your responsibilities whole heartedly as if the entire crew's life depended on it (not lazily doing) and look unto the face of God and listen to Him (Gen 6:18 - Leave and 18 inch opening below the roof all the way around the boat. All he could do from below the boat was to look upto the skies and ask where does my help come from)
Does God engage me so much? Am I engrossed and enthralled so much by His presence in my life? That no entertainment would suffice to value my time or genuine interest?
What is it that you want to do when you are relaxing? Noah @ 600 odd years, have no time to sit and rest. Though he was hectically busy, having to take care of all the animals in the world and his family, he doesn't have time to repose. Yet he looks up to the Lord waiting to obey the next word.
What indulges you most? What's your passion?
Invest on the Word. Invest wisely.
ReplyDeleteInvest wisely 🙏 Amen