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Woe # 7

Matt:23:29-33 A pretention of self righteousness. Had we been there, we would not have syndrome. We would not have been partners in killing the prophets. Where they themselves are plotting against Jesus. Had I been in his shoes, I would have lived in a different way. When we say that, we think we are righteous inherantly and we wouldn't fall. If my situation had been different, I would have chosen a different path of goodness, because basically I am nice. It is the circumstances that made me thus. You wouldn't know what all I went through to make me what I am now. A self righteous person puts the blame on the circumstances. He never owns up. He never admits He has been wrong. You simply cannot blame people or circumstances or background for your actions, for your choices. You are indeed responsible. And you cannot evade from it. And when you say that, see to it that there is no log in your eye before you point at a speck in his eye. Do not neglect the sin in you to ...

Woe # 6

Matt:23:27-28 Righteous on the outside, wicked on the inside. You want to show you are clean on the outside, religious on the outside, but deep inside you are as bad. Not just the teachers of the law. This is the story of mankind. Deep down all of us are wicked. That is not the woefulness. The woefulness is neglecting the corruption in the inside and hiding it and showing on the outside that you are someone holy. If you do not have the brokenness about the fallenness of your heart, woe unto you. If you project yourself as someone  who is holy and close to God, negating your son, woe unto you. Image credit:

Woe # 5

Matt:23:25-26 Woe unto you if you are greedy and self indulgent. These are two linked words. In fact, self indulgence is the root of greediness. Self, infact is the root of every sin. I need it as my own - greedy. I want pleasure - lust and the related My point is ascertained - anger, murder I don't have it - jealousy, envy, covetousness  I should be protected - lie Take any sin - big or small, it is around self, love for self, self centredness, self indulgence, whatever you would call it. Lucifer had the same. Adam and Eve had the same. Cleaning the outside of your acts of sin is not just enough. Look into the core and see how sinful you are. Realize how fallen and wretched you are, no matter how perfect you look on the outside. And therefore repent. That is the only thing you can do; helplessly seek mercy from a gracious God to forgive and reinstate. Otherwise - Woe unto you. Image credit:

Woe # 4

Matt:23:24 You strain your water so you won't accidentally swallow a gnat, but you swallow a camel. Jesus had a good sense of humour. But it hits you right on the head.  You are strict on the smaller things, peripheral things. But fail to practise the core things. He brings contrast between tithing and justice and mercy and faith. What good is it if you tithe regularly but fail to show mercy and justice and practise faith. For He looks into the heart; the attitude and not your hands; the doings. He very plainly says - do not neglect the more important things.  If you do - woe unto you. Image credit:

Woe # 3

Matt:23:16-22 The third woe is against those who are deeply ritualistic. So much so that, they think and teach, that, that is the only way to heaven.  Swearing by substances in the Temple (where Jesus had already said, let your yes be yes and no be no), ie considering the inanimate substances with high religiosity and piety. Jesus asks, How blind! Which is more important - the gift on the altar or the altar that makes the gift sacred? What things do you consider as sacraments? As a young boy, I used to believe that participating in the Lord's table in itself would make you holy. And therefore I used to meticulously part take in it every week. Not just things. Habits too. Praying can be ritualistic, when you pray with a cold heart. Or you utter a prayer repeatedly. Taking your quiet time can be ritualistic too. When you didn't get time one day, would you quickly read one verse and rush? Fearing some harm, if you hadn't? Being part of the church activities, even o...

Woe # 2

Matt:23:15 Setting up a bad example for those who look up to you. Woe unto you. Your subordinates, your juniors, your students, your apprentices, your children. What quality of Christ did you show them today? Patience? Faith?  How did you handle crisis as they looked up to you? Frantically running, spewing venom, with your hair on end? Or Was it trust in God that you showed? Was it peace that passes all understanding? Was it clinging to God alone that they saw? Did you leave a way for them to Jesus or did you break it down? If the latter, woe unto you! Image credit:

Woe #1

Matt:23:13-14 The first of the seven woes that Jesus tells about the teachers of the law. You shut the door of the kingdom of Heaven in people's faces. Are you a stumbling block for a seeker? Because of the habits and rituals you follow.  Are you malleable? Teachable? Are you willing to change? Are you willing to unlearn? Because if you stick on to that you might be discouraging another person who wants to come to Christ. When we had the privilege to visit the Holy Land, in the very place of Golgotha there were priests who were custodians of the place, from different Christian denominations like - the Greek Orthodox, Catholic, Armenian, Coptic, Syrian Orthodox and Ethiopian Orthodox. The rush was too heavy. But the arrogance and rudeness of these priests was even more difficult to handle and disheartening. At the very place where their Saviour was tortured to death by the religious leaders, for their own sins, these representations of the 'Christian' church want...


Matt:23:11. The greatest among you must be a servant.  What a unique teaching? Do not expect anyone to call you a Rabbi. He doesn't prohibit to be a Rabbi; but desiring the title. Teach, but do not desire to be called a teacher - the power, the position in society, the pride, the credits and importance you get. Do not desire (v:7) Being a servant; being an unrecognised zero, being a nobody, being a second or third fiddle. Where no one sees you; no one appreciates you nor the work you have done - Oh! That is extremely tenacious. It kills your pride. It makes you nil. But Jesus says that is the way to greatness. That is how you would achieve greatness. Because you have learnt to set aside your own self. But would you ever attain fully that state? If not, then why should I deny my own self again and again? Because Jesus did it. That should be the only reason for me to do it. Jn:13:3-4. Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands and that He had come f...

Jesus' question

Now Jesus asks a question to the teachers of the law. Earlier they were asking Him questions one after the other in order to trap Him. But when He asks them one, He silences them completely.  What do you think of the Messiah? Whose son is He? Matt:22:42 Did He ask so that these teachers of the law would keep quiet for a moment? So that He would be eased of their trouble for a minute at least? To win over them?  He was trying to teach something. The Messiah would be a descendant of David but because He was from God, He was fully not a son of man, a son of David, but son of God.  These are the titles about the Messiah which has its own implications.  Son of God - because begotten by God, fully God, absolutely sinless, therefore the apt sacrifice.  Son of man - implying He was fully man, tempted as each of us, yet without sin.  Son of David - a descendant from the lineage of David as prophesied already.  Is it coincidential that all the prophe...

What is the greatest commandment?

Which is the most important commandment in the law?  Loving God is the most important. Second is loving others. Some people consider loving others is more important and do all humanitarian works based on this thought imprinted in their minds. However it is your love for God that should enable you to love your neighbor.  For some (infact all of us) loving self is more important. Nowhere in the list Jesus says it is important. Infact He has told to deny our own selves. And it is disgusting in His eyes, the pride of life.  Deep down to the core, what does the list in your heart look like?  Image credit:

Because you do not know - a prose

Matt:22:29 Your mistake is that you don't know the Scriptures and you don't know the power of God.  If you know, you would pray in accordance with His will and believe you already got it.  If you know, you would know that all things God works for good and will not be anxious.  If you know, you would know that He is with you till the end of days and will not fret.  If you know, you will desire to know Him more through His word, for He said that is eternal life.  If you know, you would go to the throne of grace with confidence, and not plead in prayer.  Because you do not know, you are not thankful, you are fretful, you are angry if things do not go your way.  Are you emotionally labile?  Are you short tempered?  Do you take things for granted?  How do you approach sin?  How much time in a day, do you spend reading the Word.  How much time in a day, do you pray?  How much time do you 'entertain' yourself?  I...


Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God. Matt:22:21 The stamp and seal that is in a coin is the government's. So what belongs to the government should be given to the government. So pay your taxes. For it is right. Do not try to cheat on that.  If so - where is the seal of God? So that you would know what to give to God?  Eph:1:13. When you believed, you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit.  NLT- When you believed in Christ, He identified you as His own, by giving you the Holy Spirit.  Eph:4:30. Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.  2Cor:1:22. Who also has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.  John:6:27. Those who belong to Him, have been sealed by God.  The seal of God as evidenced by the presence of the Holy Spirit in a Christian's life is the proof that we are His very own, His prized possession.  The nudgings o...