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Parable of the great banquet

Matt:22:1-14 "Many are called, few are chosen.  The Kingdom of heaven is like this.  A huge banquet prepared. Called the wedding of the Lamb. Many are invited to come to the banquet. Chosen to be invited. The children of Israel were the first to be chosen to be invited. Not only did they reject the invitation. But they persecuted the ones who came to invite them. How ridiculous it may seem.  Now those who rejected the invitation were not allowed to come. The choice was theirs. Their cities were destroyed. They weren't worthy of the honour. Now others are invited. We have been given the privilege to attend the wedding. The Gospel is open to all. Anyone who believes in Jesus for their salvation can attend.  Yes anyone who wears the wedding robe of righteousness that the bridegroom himself offers are allowed to attend the wedding. Not everyone who is religious or pious or thinks he is close to God. The wedding dress has to be worn. You cannot enter without t...
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Parable of the evil farmers

Matt:21:33-46 The owner - built the vineyard, dug a pit, made a watchtower, bulit the vinepress, employed the tenants. He owns the place.  The tenant farmers - works out daily in the farm, thinking that the produce that they have toiled for is theirs - that is rebellion. That is self.  No matter what they say or do - they do not literally own the place. They have worked hard, agreed. But legally they do not own the land. And as long as they do not own the property, the produce is also not theirs. They are stewards. They are answerable. They have to give back. The owner will give them what deems best for him.  This owner is kind and good. He is no hard taskmaster, who is stingy. He just wanted a share of the produce. Not the whole thing and give the tenants ruthlessly. He gives freely.  Remember we do not own. We are tenants. Everything that we think we own - are not literally and legally ours. We are answerable to the master, who owns, who possesses, who ...

Parable of the two sons

Matt:21:28-32 The father asked both the sons to work in the vineyard. One said, 'No', but he went. The other said, 'Yes', but he never went. The conclusion is the one who hurt his father with a blatant 'No' finally pleased him.  Later Jesus says, the undeserving gets to heaven. Not the people who seemingly deserved, like the ardent church goers, the leaders, the preachers. But only those who are labelled sinners and wretched.  Which category do you belong?  The self righteous who thinks, he will surely go. Or the unrighteous who thinks he doesn't deserve to go?  Actually both can go. If you keep aside your reservings and trust in Jesus for your righteousness. You can go too.  Image credit:

Cluttered - A prose

My Temple will be called a house of prayer, but you have turned it into a den of thieves.  Matt:21:13 Called to be a house of prayer. But made into a den of thieves.  Not just the Temple of old times.  Your body is the temple of God.  It is supposed to be a house of prayer.  What den have you made it into?  What all do you bring in stealthily?  What all do you hoarde in it?  From where songs of praise need to be heard,  What is it that comes out of your den?  What is it that you listen to?  What is it that you entertain yourself with?  What you input, that will be your output.  A house of prayer vs a den of thieves.  Ashamed, I look at my den.  Untidy, cluttered and chaotic.  Would you allow Jesus to knock it over?  Would you permit Him to sweep it clean?  His very presence is enough.  His everlasting, continuous presence.  But would you, persistently, consistently and proacti...

The Real King

Jesus triumphant entry. Matt:21:1-11 The kingship of Jesus is not something you can deny. You might not accept it. But surely you cannot defy.  He is the King of kings and the Lord of Lords. Even the devil knows that (though he wouldn't subject to it). he is just a prince. But Jesus has been given all authority. He rules. He reigns. That is why Rom:8:28 is true. That is why 1John:4:4 is true.  So do not live on fear. For your Father and your Big Brother is in control. And nothing can separate you from His love.  Image credit:

What do you want me to do for you?

What do you want me to do for you? Matt:20:32 Jesus was very focussed. He very often asks the one whom He was about to heal, "What do you want me to do for you?" He asked the blind man, the leper, the lame, only to name a few. As if He did not know. Of course the blind wants to see, the leper wants to be healed and the lame wants to walk. Jesus knew it. Then why did He ask them?  In fact He was asking- Do you know what you want healing from?  Do you realise where you have fallen into?  Do you recognise from where you need to be rescued from?  Then ask.  Asking comes out of helplessness and thereby trust. Asking means, I say, I can't do this and I know I need help. If you do not ask you are indirectly saying either, 'I've got this' Or 'I don't care'. Both has rebellion written all over it.  Jesus also said - Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door shall be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives. Ever...

Servant King

Whoever wants to be the leader, must be your servant.  Matt:20:26 A leader leads from the front. Not Lord it over them. Jesus says a leader should serve his people.  Not the same as what even an ideal perfect leader looks like in this world.  This shows the fallenness of the world we are in, when the most perfect ideal leader  is not even a glimpse of who Jesus is. To be a servant of His children He presented, when He washed His disciples feet and He died to redeem us while we were His enemies.  This is just one of the attribute of the kingdom of heaven which is in starc contrast to the standard of the worldly kingdom. The world's perfection and idealism is nowhere near the example that Jesus depicts. That is why the world rejected Him.  Now how do we serve those whom we lead? Do we Lord it over them and flaunt our authority over them? Then we have no part in what Jesus has come to establish.  Image credit: