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He is close to those who trust in Him. Nah:1:7 Oh! When you feel all alone in this dark world. When you feel you don't have anyone to lean on to. There is one person who promised to be with you, always, to the end of days. He has promised to never leave or forsake you. All we have to do is to just trust in Him. He is true. He will never fail. Even if heaven and earth will fail, His word will always remain.  He is faithful. Trust is the only key to a beautiful relation with the Eternal Father.  Image credit:
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Nah:1:3 The Lord is slow to get angry, but His power is great And He never lets the guilty go unpunished.  How long do you think, that God is going to relent? The sinfulness and wretchedness that is so ruling over mankind. It's been more than twenty centuries that He has promised to come back as the righteous judge. Yes He is slow to anger. He is waiting.  How long do you think, God is going to with hold His anger against you O bard? So filled with dirt and filth which He so abhors. All your deeds and thoughts reflect your self love and pride which He clearly states is not from the Father but from the world, which has nothing in common with Him. Yes He is slow to anger. He is waiting. He says one more chance, if at all he brings forth fruit. Meanwhile the Helper enables. He equips.  Repent and return, lest you should be found guilty when He returns. Praise God, the blood that was shed on Calvary covers all sins.  Image credit:

Patient endurance

Micah:7:9 But after that He will take up my case And give me justice for all I have suffered from my enemies.  As you go through the Lord's heavy hand, it is true it is difficult. It is tough. Sometimes you are perplexed not knowing what to do. Helpless. But it is better to be patient as you go through this tough time. Patience brings a lot of peace. It controls the way you react. It controls the way you take it.  Patient endurance, long suffering is something we should learn. Because the Lord has assured hard times in this world. The world will surely hate us because it has already hated our Master. So let us endure patiently.  And as we endure, the promise of our Almighty Saviour is that - He will take up my case and give me justice. And if God is on my side, who can be against us. I have His favour. He is with me in this. And He will deliver me. The assurance of our Father who never changes.  Image credit:


Micah:7:7 As for me, I look to the Lord for help.  I wait confidently for God to save me.  And my God will certainly hear me.  For the prophet, there is full negativism around. There is corruption, there is famine, there is injustice, there is evil, there are bribes, there is murder. Uncertainty and fallenness all around.  But one thing he is sure. He will look to the Lord for help and he is also confident that help will come from Him. A listening ear he is confident to get.  Ps:121:1-2 I look up to the mountains Does my help come from there?  My help comes from the Lord Who made heaven and earth.  He is the only certainty that you can trust. Everything else is like breath. Everything else is vanity. He alone is solid ground. Unchangeable. Everything else is shifting sand.  Where would you want to stand with assurance - on a solid rock with no slipperiness. Or on sand which wipes off from the bottom of your feet. If you want to stand firm - choose your base wisely.  On Chri

What are we supposed to do Lord?

Micah 6 V:3 What have I done to you?  What have I done to make you tired of me?  V:5 Don't you remember, my people?  When I the Lord did everything I could To teach you about my faithfulness.  V:6 What can we bring to the Lord?  What kind of offerings should we give Him?  V:8 This is what He requires of you.  To do what is right, to love mercy And to walk humbly with your God.  This is the only thing you're supposed to do Oh! bard. Only thing He requires of you. Not to accomplish great things for Him. Not to conquer nations for Him. If that is your calling, well yes, do it. But more important for Him is this. Very simple thing He expects of you.  To do what is right. According to His heart. According to His standards.  To love mercy. To deny all self righteousness and self centeredness, be filled with compassiin and consider others better than yourself.  To walk humbly with your God, denyinh your own self. To keep aside all your pride. To love each other more than y


Psalm:150:6 The Last verse of the book of Psalms.  Let everything that breathes sing praises to the Lord.  Praise the Lord.  Every living being. Everytime. Every point.  Keep praising God.  Because He alone is worthy. The Creator. The Sustainer. The Deliverer. The Redeemer. The Author and Perfector of our faith. The Almighty, All Powerful. The Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient God. The I am.  The Lamb who was slain. Only He has done such a thing as this to save me.  So in times of joy, in times of trouble.  In times of laughter, in times of tears.  Always. Always I want to praise Him. Till my last breath I want to praise Him.  For that is what I am exactly created for. For praise. For worship. For fellowship. For communion with the Eternal Father.  Image credit;

The prophecies

Mic:5:2 But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah Are only a small village among all the people of Judah Yet a ruler of Israel will come from you One whose prigins are from a distant past.  This verse proved right in Matt:2:6 when the priests and teachers could pin point to Bethlehem as to the place of Messiah's birth.  Through Jesus, at least 300 similar prophecies has been fulfilled about Messiah that the Jews had been waiting. About the Saviour of the world. There is no other name that could match this.  Find out for yourself and see the truth. Don't end up not seeking the truth and not finding it when you had the option and privilege to. Don't end up in hell.  Image credit: